Talent matching for IT companies

Top Senior+ IT talent and C-level executives for your business

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If you want to hire us, we have to work as partners to succeed
  • We focus on quality and result, not on quantity and process.

  • The result is important for us! That's why we expect your commitment to:

  • Quality
    We do an in-depth high-quality technical pre-screening of candidates to show you only the best, with detailed comments on each profile.
  • Time
    Interview feedback and decisions on candidates within 3 days at each stage of the process.
  • Motivation
    We focus on the motivation of candidates. We work with your employer brand, know your business as if it was our own and inspire candidate's interest.
  • Feedback
    Detailed post-interview feedback on candidates (pros & cons), so that we can have a better sync with you, adjust the profile ASAP and deliver better quality candidates.
  • Research
    We dive deeply into your specific business needs and work from them towards the best-fitting solution.
If you want to hire us, we have to work as partners to succeed
We focus on quality and result, not on quantity and process.
  • Quality
    We do an in-depth high-quality technical pre-screening of candidates to show you only the best, with detailed comments on each profile.
  • Motivation
    We focus on the motivation of candidates. We work with your employer brand, know your business as if it was our own and inspire candidate's interest.
  • Research
    We dive deeply into your specific business needs and work from them towards the best-fitting solution.
The result is important for us! That's why we expect your commitment to:
  • Time
    Interview feedback and decisions on candidates within 3 days at each stage of the process.
  • Feedback
    Detailed post-interview feedback on candidates (pros & cons), so that we can have a better sync with you, adjust the profile ASAP and deliver better quality candidates.
Our Agency Terms
Our fee is 20% of the hired candidate's annual salary
We guarantee a 3 months free replacement warranty
You pay upon the fact of candidate's employment
We work worldwide.
Contract you as an American LLC.
Get paid via Eur, $$ or USDC
Our clients trust us
How It Works
Meet Anchous call
(30-60 min)

We discuss your culture, the details of the project/product and the role, your search history & hiring complexity

Vacancy request
(via a filled-in form)

The hiring manager fills in a Google Form about the company and the vacancy. 20-min tops, but a great value for us to fully understand your business and the profile you're looking for!

We start work

We finish off with the profile requirements and your wishes, start active work and start bringing you top candidates!

Let's Talk !
Tell us about your case
Chat with us directly via Telegram or WhatsApp
Or leave us your contacts and we'll get back to you asap :)
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